h Malaysian Plover at Kuala Baram by SINGH HSS, Amar - Borneo Bird Images


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CHARADRIIDAE Plovers > Malaysian Plover

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image 6893 of Malaysian Plover

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Malaysian Plover

Latin Name : Charadrius peronii

Site Name : Kuala Baram

Photographer : SINGH HSS, Amar

Date : 2013-09-09

Notes : Remarks

I saw a pair of Malaysian Plovers who allowed some prolonged observations as they foraged. For the ID, I also considered the Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrines) and the White-faced Plover (Charadrius dealbatus). The Malaysian Plover is the only resident plover in Borneo and often seen in a pair on sandy beaches, although more common on islands.

The features supporting Malaysian over Kentish are the paler feet and legs, the stronger black band on the neck of the male, the rufous breast band in females and the more mottled plumage (See: Phillipps 2011 - Phillipps\' Field Guide to the Birds of Borneo 2011; Morten 2000 - A Photographic guide to Birds of Malaysia