h Green Broadbill at Kubah National Park by SINGH HSS, Amar - Borneo Bird Images


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EURYLAIMIDAE Broadbills > Green Broadbill

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image 8170 of Green Broadbill

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Green Broadbill

Latin Name : Calyptomena viridis

Site Name : Kubah National Park

Photographer : SINGH HSS, Amar

Date : 2017-09-12

Notes : Green Broadbills are common at Kubah National Park and local bird watcher & guide, Yeo Siew Teck, helped me identify their calls. A number of birds were calling out for long periods of time in the very early morning, most likely males. We saw one male but suspect a female was also present with more males in the vicinity (from calls). Lighting was very low at 6.50am and I used a very high ISO to try and image these fascinating birds.
-- Amar --