h Cream-vented Bulbul at DanumBRL by HOLMES, John & Jemi - Borneo Bird Images


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PYCNONOTIDAE Bulbuls > Cream-vented Bulbul

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image 2486 of Cream-vented Bulbul

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Cream-vented Bulbul

Latin Name : Pycnonotus simplex

Site Name : DanumBRL

Photographer : HOLMES, John & Jemi

Date : 0000-00-00

Notes : Feeding on the nectar of Poikilospermum sp. URTICACEAE A common epiphytic woody climber with several Bornean species. The nectar of the round purple flowerheads is extremely popular with many Bornean birds including spiderhunters, bulbuls and leafbirds. The seeds are dispersed by ants. The young shoots are edible.